Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My Journey

Taking responsibility for your happiness means making deliberate choices about how you respond to your past, present and future. You can bury your past and let unconscious self defeating habits sabotage the life you want or you can choose to explore your past and change any negative patterns that are getting in your way. You can assume a victim's stance in your present life or you can choose take charge of your life and create whatever circumstances you need. You can walk blindly into the future with little sense of where you’re headed, or you can choose to design an incredible future and act in alignment with that intent. The choices are yours.
The above paragraph came from the book. "Create A Life that Tickles Your Soul" written by Suzanne Willis Zoglio, PhD. You can take this powerful meaning of this paragraph, to help you in so many ways.

A few years ago, I used this powerful message to help me in making a change in my life. I needed to make sure I was making the right decision, and we all know that there are no guarantees in life. Still, I had to look at my past and determine whether or not I wanted, or better yet, needed, to make a change. You can’t just leave your past behind you, no matter what others tell you. Nor, would I want to leave my past behind me.

Your past is a journey that you take, and it leads you to where you are right now. You are the person that you are now, because of the journey that you have walked. That journey is not always full of roses. And God knows, I have made my fair share of mistakes and bad decisions and I have forgiven myself for them. But you know what? I have made so many good decisions too and I feel that my life journey brought me to where I am today. I am happy where I am now. I really am. I love my life. I know that I have been looking at life a little differently lately (again probably the age thing) but I am ready to take the next steps in my journey. I want to make my journey pretty, kind, loving, full of family and friends and with the grace of god, healthy.

Here are a few natural pictures that I think are beautiful.

After all, the doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live.

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