Thursday, April 21, 2011

Slow Down and Enjoy the Simple Things

You know sometimes we are in such a rush to do things and get to where we need to be. It’s always wake up, hurry up to get to work or to an appointment. It's always rush, rush, rush. It just seems to be the American way. No wonder so many of us have high blood pressure, or problems with stress. I am just sick of the high paced life we live, I really am. The thing is if we somehow get ourselves to slow down whether it is through yoga, meditation, a vacation or prayer as soon as we jump back into the rat race of life, everyone around starts rushing you. It's a stinking vicious circle. So, we do what we can to be centered. I enjoy deep breathing through simple yoga moves and sitting in a tranquil setting and praying. I would like to say I do this every day, but I don't. I wish I could become more religious with this practice. Oh well, I will just keep trying.

I was at home this morning, making my midmorning snack and was getting ready to just put my apple on a paper towel and just go sit down and eat it. Then I remembered years ago when I watched an Oprah show. John Travolta was her guest and he was explaining how he likes to use his good china/dishes every day, even when he is on the set. He went on to say, “What are we all waiting for ? Why not treat yourself to the good stuff everyday?”  He then said, how we need to slow down and enjoy the little things…..even if that means enjoying your tea in a pretty cup.

So, Today I slowed down a bit and enjoyed my midmorning snack of a few apple slices sprinkled with cinnamon and a cup of low fat soy milk, on the dishes my grandmother gave to me over 20 years ago. I am going to make more of an effort to slow down and enjoy simple pleasures.

A simple healthy snack, set for a Diva!

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