Monday, August 16, 2010


Have you ever noticed just how often we Divas talk about coffee? It’s a hot topic, as well as one of my favorite hot beverages. As a Christmas gift last year, I received a Keurig coffee maker and at first I wasn’t thrilled with it, but within a week I was totally in love. I can have a wonderful hot cup of coffee within minutes. No wasting a half a pot of coffee for just one cup. My favorite is the “Donut House “blend. MMMmmmm. I also enjoy the "Chocolate Glaze" as a dessert coffee. My summer time favorite coffee is the Dunkin Donut Iced Mocha Latte made with skim milk and no whipped cream. I have to discipline myself to only purchase one Latte per week. The food addict in me wants one every day…. I just love them that much.

This past weekend I went down the shore with my sister. We usually go to the pool and then sit in the hot tub to relieve our aches and pains and just plain relax. In came two more women, one at a time. Somehow we started to talk about “True Blood” the show on HBO. Then, the topic turned to coffee…Ahhh; I could almost smell the coffee brewing. We all told each other what type of coffee we like to drink and why. One woman’s choice is Dunkin Donut coffee, the second lady enjoyed Wawa and third’s favorite was Starbucks. It was fun just talking to some other woman about this beverage and then the conversation turn into talking about our children…..See, coffee has a way of opening up the lines of communication. We Divas can bond over the talk of coffee and that is just plain cool.

As a busy society we no longer go over to our neighbor’s house just to enjoy a cup of coffee and shoot the breeze. It’s a shame, because it’s fun to talk about a lot of nonsense, sitting around a kitchen table. So instead, it seems like more and more often people are meeting at their local coffee shop to catch up on each other's lives. There is nothing more fitting than a coffee shop filled with the smell of bulk coffee beans brewing to perfection while you sit and talk about the little things in life. So, in a way this replaces drinking a cup of coffee over the neighbor’s house.
Now a day’s, coffee drinks are just so popular and some are scrumptiously delicious that they could be a sweet dessert. There are just so many coffee choices, sometimes walking into a coffee shop can make your head spin, but in a delightful aromatic way.

So, relax with a cup of coffee and enjoy your day!

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