Wednesday, September 29, 2010

How Nurturing Brings Us Divas Happiness

What makes us Divas happy?

For me, happiness is a feeling of joy that comes over me. The feeling maybe last a few seconds, or it could be days, or months, and I suppose years. Something that brings joy to me, can bring an instant smile to my face or a tender tear to my eye. I know I am happiest when I spend time with my family or friends. I now have a beautiful granddaughter that brings so much happiness into my life.

So with that being said, I know in the grand scheme of life and with everything that is going on in the world today, what I am going to tell you will sound trifle or simple but it’s a small sample of what happiness means to someone.

As women most of us feel the need to nurture it brings pure happiness to our heart even if we don’t know it at the time. For most women it’s built in us, and when this is taken from us it can bring sadness and sometimes depression. A good example of this is the “Empty Nest Syndrome”. Once our babies are gone we wonder what it is we are going to do without them. Who can we take care of and who wants us to take care of them? This can also cause a lot of sadness, I mean we are happy our babies are moving on but it’s as though our happiness bulb has been turned off. Fortunately this feeling is often replaced as we Divas find something else to take care of or pour ourselves into a new hobby or activity or work.

For a lot of people, a pet can bring the feeling of nurturing back again. The power of a loving pet is amazing and when that pet is gone it can hit us hard and deep in our heart. Our pets are the only creatures that give us unconditional love.….. I wrote a posting back in June that was dedicated to "Toby" my sister’s amazing and unique dog that passed away. Since then I have spent a lot of time with my sister and I know that she has been very sad without him. She grieved very hard this summer. It was so difficult not to be able to do anything for her. All I could do was listen to her and give her time and a few hugs to show her I was there for her. Usually I just listened to her because my words would not be adequate enough, so the gift of listening is what I gave her. I just wanted to see my upbeat sister happy again. It’s incredible to know that a pet can bring that much emotion to us. God really knew what he was doing when he gave us the companionship of a wonderful pet.

I am happy to see my sister is feeling better. She is still sad when she thinks about Toby but she has fond memories and he will always have a very special place in her heart. She has recently opened her heart and home to a new pet. You can’t help but be happy when you hold a new friend and in this case her name is “Zoe”. Getting the chance to experience happiness again is such a splendid feeling and I am happy to see my sister, my best friend, happy again.

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