Wednesday, May 26, 2010

**Living Up to My Own Challenge

****Living up to my challenge*****

I know it’s only Wednesday, but I have been taking my bike ride every night after dinner. This means I am following through with my own challenge…I think as a Diva, we need to reach down deep inside and pull out a challenge otherwise we are just coasting through life. Most often the challenges of life choose us. I know that pulling out the bike from the garage isn’t such a big deal. For me it’s the challenge of just doing it. It’s easier to just blow it off.

Some challenges are major such as going back to school or work, divorce, and child rearing, dealing with family matters, or facing a new job. Some are life altering…….being diagnosed with a health condition and needing treatment for that condition. Losing a love one and facing the future without them or a new family member whether it be through birth or marriage. The challenge of eating healthy food, means you need to prepare healthy meals and this can be a challenge in its self. It’s so much easier to grab fast food or take out. Whatever it is, we have to face them. As Divas, we are stronger then we think.

So, I challenge myself with small things such as riding my bike each night or taking a walk whenever I can. My hope is that facing them head on, will help me become a stronger Diva than I already am and more prepared to face more difficult challenges when they present themselves. I also know its okay to ask for help if your challenge is too difficult for you to bear on your own. As Divas, we need to reach out and help each other.

I wonder what challenges we will face today. Remember as Divas we can move forward and face any challenge even if that means asking another Diva for help.

 Today I will jump on my bike of life and peddle my way around this neighborhood of mine.

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