Monday, January 2, 2012

Eating at Night

I think the below article  I read in a health magazine, was very interesting considering the fact that I have a night time eating problem.  I thought I would share.

"Diet folklore suggests that eating at night is almost never a good idea if you want to lose weight. Although many experts say this old adage is pure myth, a new animal study backs up the idea that it’s not only what you eat but also when you eat that counts. Researchers at Northwestern University found that mice given high-fat foods during the day (when these nocturnal animals should have been sleeping) gained significantly more weight than mice given the same foods at night.

The Fix: The diet take-away here? After dinner, teach yourself to think of the kitchen as being closed for the night, and brush your teeth — you’ll want to eat less with a newly cleaned mouth. If a craving hits, wait 10 minutes. If you’re still truly hungry, reach for something small like string cheese, yogurt or a piece of fruit."

I started my week of dietary detox today. I know I have so much sugar and fat and in my body, after a long holiday of feasting. This is going to be a challenging week, but I want all the junk out of my body.. As I wrote in my last posting: I need my mind to give me the facts on what are good dietary choices, but I need to listen to my heart when it comes to my actions.


  1. I like the no eating after dinner and brush teeth. They've taught that at Weight Watchers for years. I've started back on my program today. Good luck to both of us, Lisa.
    Aunt Regina

  2. My sister struggles with night eating BAD, it is like a demon she struggles with :(

    Protein pudding is cottage cheese, sf jello pudding, protein powder and some milk. Lots of flavor possibilities :)
