Sunday, October 2, 2011

Looking in the Mirror

So, looking in the mirror I see someone that is struggling with pain.  Lately, I have had so much knee pain, that I have a very hard time walking and standing most of the day. Now, ask me to sit down on the floor and try to get back up........forget about it.  
I had knee surgery a few years ago that was not too successful. I had a torn ACL, so the doctor fixed the torn ACL like scheduled, but the doctor told me that I had a lot of arthritis on my knee, and he said he didn't have time to clean it up during the surgery.  Great huh? 
To avoid the continues pain I was in, I must have been leaning to the side of my foot........then this past spring I suffered a stress fracture of my right foot.  All this related to chronic knee pain.  One more thing to add to this.  My right knee is now causing me pain.  I suppose it could be arthritis is that knee or it could be pain from putting most of my weight on that leg to avoid the pain in the right knee.  So whatever the reason for this pain......i just know my knees hurt....all the time.
I have been taking Advil for the pain.  I don't want to take pain killers...but I need some kind of release from pain.    My legs have become their own entity.  They do their own thing.  I now have no control of them and it sucks....really sucks.
This is my first day of blogging about what this Diva has been dealing with. No, it's not life threatening but it's my reality and it sucks.

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