Friday, October 22, 2010

My Mom is a Pink Warrior in Heaven

I have been thinking about writing this entry for some time now. How was I going to word what I was feeling and thinking and now I think it may all just come together as follows.

At the age of 55 my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer in both her breasts. She had a
bilateral mastectomy. She was also a diabetic and the healing process was less than kind to her. So, needless to say she was not a candidate for reconstruction surgery. What a devastation this was to my mom and to my family. She died only 4 short years later.  My mother always had a fear of cancer and she worried all the time that she would end up with some type of cancer or another. The fear was always there.  It was sad to see her live that way, and then to end up with breast cancer.

My fear is for my health to become my mother's health.  It’s always in the back of my mind. My fear now is just as strong as her fear was then….I now believe my mother’s spirit is whole in heaven and I believe the holy spirit has freed her of all her fears and diseases. She had to die to be freed of these burdens. I want that now, and I don't want to wait. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands. Writing this blog is part of it. It’s therapy for me. It keeps me on the right track.

I started working with a nutritionist two weeks ago. I am determined to reduce my weight, body fat, as well as inches, but the most important thing to me is to reduce my chances of breast cancer. There is scientific proof that a higher body fat percentage is linked to a higher chance of breast cancer in woman. In fact, a higher risk of all types of cancers. For this reason, as well as many others, I choose to change some of my fears and I hope to some how eliminate my mother's past fears. So, in her memory I want to do what I can do, on my part, to lower my risk of breast cancer. This includes, eating well, exercise, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, self breast exams, and mammograms. Divas, I encourage you to do the same. Do it in honor or memory of someone you may know, or more importantly just do it for yourself.

I know my mom is a pink warrior in heaven.

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