Friday, March 12, 2010

This is my quest for a healthy life.

I first took my Nutrition course to meet and satisfy the state of PA qualifications, so I can plan menus, cook and serve balanced meals to the children in my daycare. Then I started to say to myself...why am I paying others to help be become healthy in mind, body and soul. I have the tools to do it for myself. I am also feel the need to write how I feel each day, how my day is going and so on. It's a form of release for me. So I figure why write on three by five cards when I can blog about it. :)

I have battled with being at a healthy weight and making good food choices most of my adult life. (Chocolate became a staple for me). I have been on a few weight loss programs as well as dealing with what is considered a healthy exercise program.

Most recently I lost weight being on a popular weight loss program that uses a point system. This program really works and I think it’s one of the best programs out there. The problem with it for me personally, is it made me feel hostage to the amount of points I ate per day and if I didn't stay within my allotted point per day, I now have had “A BAD DAY”. Keep in mind this is "my perception" and not the perception of the program. I want to make that clear.

I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, grandmother, friend and a business owner; I give a part of myself everyday to others. I want to treat my body with respect regardless if I ate more today then yesterday. I don’t feel like being held hostage anymore. I am done with it; I don’t need to have my days on this planet as being labeled “A BAD DAY” or a good day for that matter. I think of each day as a gift, I thank god for each day that I wake up and take in a breath...
I am developing this lifestyle for myself. If anyone else would like to grab a cup of coffee and join me…..I would love to have another Diva along with me.
I feel good about it……I hope you do too.

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