Thursday, July 29, 2010

Giving Stress the Boot.

No time or energy to get done what you need to do or too much stress at work or with your family? Stressors can play havoc on your body and your mind. When I face too much stress I try to eliminate one stressor at a time. I try to face it head on. If I deal with too much and start to procrastinate and ignore these stress factors I know I will be dealing with a migraine soon. After all these years I usually know the precursors to my migraines. So distressing is really important to me. I do know that some stress is unavoidable such as health issues, financial pressure and the economy. That type of stress will not just go away, but you can come to terms with how you deal with them.

It’s funny because my daughter tells me I go to Voo Doo doctors. The reason for this is because I try to use natural ways of dealing with my life. I go to some awesome chiropractors, I really enjoy therapeutic massages when I feel too tense or just because, I have been hypnotized for my crazy night eating (I will save this topic for another post) and I believe in the power of prayer.

Spending time with your friends and family can help you relax and defrag too. People power can work both ways so you have to decide whom you want to surround yourself with and who makes you tense. As much as possible, I try to eliminate the people and places that stress me out. I know that is not always possible to do, so I try my best and I know sometimes (maybe a lot of times) I bring my own stress on. It’s tough being human. Ha, Ha!

Try the following tips to reduce and relieve stress. A lot of the time they work for me

• Relax. Some ways to relax include deep breathing and meditation and massage therapy. If you can’t do these things, take a few minutes to sit, listen to soothing music, or read a book. My morning favorite is my morning coffee either on my porch or at my place down the shore.

• Make time for yourself. It’s important to care for yourself. No matter how busy you are, try to set aside at least 15 minutes each day in your schedule to do something for yourself, like taking a bubble bath, going for a walk. I enjoy riding my bike around my neighborhood.

• Sleep. Sleeping is a great way to help both your body and mind. With enough sleep, you can tackle your problems better .I try to get seven hours every night. I know most of us Dives wake up a few times a night with those nasty heat flashes. On weekends naps are my best friend.

• Eat right. Enjoy a diet high in fruits, vegetables, and proteins. Good sources of protein can be peanut butter, chicken, or tuna salad. Eat whole-grains, such as wheat breads and wheat crackers. Drink plenty of water.

• Exercise. Your body makes certain chemicals, called endorphins, before and after you work out. They relieve stress and improve your mood. I hate working out but when I am done my work out I feel great…so, I do it.

• Write down your thoughts. Keeping a journal can be a great way to get things off your chest and work through issues. I journal, journal, journal. Sometimes I just use 3 x5 cards. I recently bought a new one with a cute tiger stripped kitty on it.

• Get a hobby. Find something you enjoy. Make sure to give yourself time to explore your interests. My favorite hobby is eating chocolate & coffee, spending fun times with my family & friends and shopping. The best is when I can do them all together.

• Set limits. When it comes to things like work and family, figure out what you can really do. There are only so many things you can do. Be open with people and tell them how you feel. Honesty reduces drama.

So boot all your stress out and enjoy your life.

Time to chill out now.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

~~~~I am heading down the "Atlantic" Highway, looking for my love get away~~~~


Well, I am heading to the Jersey Shore for a week of fun in the sun.  I truly need a stress free vacation.
I want to make sure I stay on track with my healthy eating. The wonderful thing about summer is the abundance of fresh fruits and veggies and Jersey is known for their fresh produce, after all that is why it's called "The Garden State"
I am going to make sure I get at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise in, and I will make sure to make good choices while eating out, such as Grilled Fresh Seafood and healthy lean meats. It will be a week of fun walks and bike riding and lots of vacation fun off I go.  Ha, Ha !
I am still going to enjoy "Happy Hour" each day.  So, bring on the Martinis.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

~~~ Gulp, Water Challenge~~~ Gulp

Check out the sidebar on my blog regarding the H20 challenge.  It sounds like a easy thing to do but drinking 64oz of pure water can really be a challenge for some people.  I really need to get my hubby to join in on this challenge.  He drinks diet sodas & diet Ice Tea but only 1 bottle of water and that is when we are at the Gym.  All that said and done, he is really working hard at the gym and I am really proud of him.  I am proud of myself too. Making good choices makes me feel good about myself.
I am off to drink some refreshing H20  :)   

Monday, July 12, 2010

Just My Opinion

Multitasking is overrated.

I think we Diva’s can work on one thing at a time and sometimes it's alright to multi task. I will get to that later. I know in life we must's just a fact of life in order to get through the day, but here are my feeling on the subject.
Anyway, for those who know me; have heard me say this numerous times. “Multi tasking is overrated.” Yesterday while I was at the gym, I was watching “The Morning Show” and Faith Salie did a segment on Multitasking… was quite comical. She really got me thinking because I have been saying this for years……Hey, Focus in on one task at a time…..when you have completed that task, then move to the next item. This way every task at hand gets your undivided attention.
Multitasking used to be and may still be an asset when applying for a job or putting on your resume. I don’t know, since owning my own business I personally have not had to worry about it for me, but I do see it on future employee work applications and resumes. I think of it as, yes you can do a few things at one time, but usually you’re not proficient in any of them.

In the business world we have become obsessed with it.
It is a result of our fixation on how little time we have to accomplish whatever it is we are working on. I believe it’s a result of our love of efficiency, but it often kills effectiveness in what we are attempting to do. Again….just my opinion. Maybe, I say this because I swear I have Adult Attention Deficit Disorder and it gives me a good excuse why I can’t get things done..Ha Ha.

Divas!……sometimes we can “Diva Multi Task”……like getting a pedi and reading a gossip magazine, or listing to our iPod while we exercise. Drinking a cocktail while soaking up some sun rays………….These are a few of my favorite multitasking things.

Okay, Enough said on that topic!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Feeling bloated!

I have been working out with my hubby at the gym 5 times a week and I am happy about that but I can tell you that I can't wait for it to be over each day. It's not as exciting to work out at my age as it was in my thirties. It's more for a better quality of health, verses a sexy body and/or looking good in new clothing.  Now, I am happy just to feel less bloated  in the clothing I have.  Today I would rather go home eat dinner, "Watch Big Brother" and then go to sleep.  My tummy feels yucky and bloated....UGH!  Just one of those days.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

~~~~~Red, White and Blue.......the Healthy Way!

I am unable to go to the gym the next few days because I will be down the Jersey shore, but I want to stay on track, so I will be taking walks and riding my bike.....and swimming. Anything to get the old body moving.
It's going to be a challenge but I am going to stay clear of the cakes, cookies and other sweet deserts( I love sweets) this forth of July weekend. Instead I am going to eat fresh fruits and veggies. Let's see how it works out for me.
Here is a yummy healthy dessert to try and it's patriotic too. 
6 ounces vanilla yogurt
4-6 strawberries, sliced
1/4 cup blueberries
1/4 cup pecans or granola, chopped
1.  Layer 2 oz. yogurt, 2-3 sliced strawberries, 1/8 cup blueberries and 1/8 cup chopped pecans or granola in parfait glass.

2.  Repeat layers. Top with remaining yogurt.
3. Garnish with a few chopped pecans and/or a strawberry if desired.

Happy 4th Of July!