Monday, June 21, 2010

I always thought when I was at my desired weight that somehow my life would be perfect. I would finally be able to accept myself for who I was. I would no longer find fault with myself. But, for some reason that hasn’t been the case and slowly by slowly my weight gets right back where I was before I lost my weight. I know this is a common thing to happen. However, I accept who I am completely. I eat healthy foods along with some of my favorite trigger foods.  I am who I am and no longer will I allow my weight or age to define who I AM TODAY!

I am not saying I don’t care what I look like. In fact, I do and I love shopping for new clothes. I am also not saying this is an excuse to not eat or live healthy. I strive to live a healthy life every day. I am going to be 49 in August and it finally struck me that I am closer to the big 5-0 than I am to 40! Looking back at photos of when my Mom & Grandmothers were 50, well to me THEY were OLD and they LOOKED OLD, too. But I don’t feel old and I refuse to be the stereotypical grandmom with the gray bun on top of my head.

Yes, I color my hair, and I have invested in some really good anti-aging serums (thanks Erin T. for turning me on to skintelligence products), but now when I look into the mirror I see so much more than my physical being--I see the person who has gained wisdom and insight over the years. And each and every day I get more confident in my own skin. I am really beginning to embrace where I am right now in my life. This didn’t happen overnight, but over a period of many months and years and it continues to evolve over time.

I think the media plays a big role in shaping our views on how we perceive ourselves? Just pick up any women’s magazine these days and all across the covers scream, “Twenty Days to a Sexier You” or “Lose Your Belly in 8 Days” or “Look 10 Years Younger without Surgery!” ….Of course this isn’t a green light to eating unhealthy foods or living a sedimentary life style. So let’s embrace the Diva that we are. Do the best you can do in eating healthy, moderate exercise and love your life, after all some of us have grandchildren and want to be able to share in their lives.

We need to accept ourselves right now—Tell ourselves that health is not a number on the scale or the size on a tag—it is about being able to embrace life and finally say I AM FINE RIGHT WHERE I AM. So, a little less weight or a little more weight.. I smile; I am just fine where I am.

So, as my sister Debbie said…..”This is this an up year or is it a down year?
In an up year did we up the calories/weight, or are we feeling up? For a down year, does that mean the scale went down or are we feeling down?

Who knows, life is what you make it whether it’s up or down…..Smile pretty like a Diva should and enjoy your day.

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