Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Milk Anyone ?


Divas, before you read this post, go grab yourself a cup of low fat milk or some organic yogurt….it’s a good thing to do.

Did you know that calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body? We all know it’s essential for the development and maintenance of strong bones and teeth. It’s probably best known for its effects in preventing osteoporosis. But, did you know calcium also helps the heart, nerves, muscles, and other body systems work properly? Well, it does!

Your body needs several other nutrients in order for calcium to be absorbed and used properly, including magnesium, phosphorous, and especially vitamins D and K. Vitamin D helps the body maintain healthy levels of calcium. The body can only absorb calcium, when vitamin D is present. Vitamin D is also needed to build and maintain healthy bones.

Divas, we need between 1200- 1500 grams of Calcium per day. Are you getting enough calcium every day? Believe it or not, it’s difficult to get the daily recommended amount each day. I drink low fat milk and also eat yogurt on a regular bases and I know there are days I don’t get enough, so I need to take a daily supplement. Woman need to make sure they are getting enough during pregnancy to make sure the baby is growing big and strong and not depleting calcium from the expectant mommy. Also, Divas 40 years old and older need to meet their daily requirements, because we start losing bone density and we won’t be able to grow new bone tissue, but we sure as hell can slow it down and maintain the bone density that we currently have.  If you’re not getting enough in your diet, think about taking a supplement.

I Love light soy milk.  Plus, I like a little taste of Chocolate with mine.

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