Thursday, March 8, 2012

National Nutrition Month

The number one New Year's resolution is to get healthy, whether it's eating right or getting to the gym to drop those extra pounds. Chances are, at sometime in your life, you have made a New Year's resolution pertaining to your health and fitness and chances are you broke it. Did you know more then 40%  of people say they don't keep their resolution more then 60 days?
March presents the perfect opportunity to stay on track with National Nutrition Month®. As Modern Divas we want to help champion this cause for our followers!

I believe in a healthy lifestyle, not a 'diet'. I want all our Diva's to feel comfortable and sexy in their own skin, whatever is the healthy size and shape for YOU; not the latest "perfect" body the entertainment industry deems desirable. What exactly is a size ZERO anyway?

Let's make some time to really take a look at your health and think about your eating habits and lifestyle. Where can you potentially make healthy changes, that will enable you to reach your goals for not only this year but a lifetime. Chances are that as a woman you will at some time in your life find yourself not only taking care of you, but being a primary caregiver for others, be it a husband, significant others, a child or a even a parent. And chances are, that as a woman, you will put yourself second or last on the list of people to take care of! Let's start the habit of keeping ourselves healthy first - remember a healthy woman creates a healthy home.

So, I leave our Diva's with this one question:
What is one healthy habit or change that you have adopted (whether it be just in the past 2 months, today, yesterday, or from years past) that helps you maintain a healthy lifestyle. Inspire others with your little piece of habit!
I decided that riding my bike and eating fish at least once a week (trying for twice a week) are my new adopted behaviors.
"Diva Power All The Way"

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